Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Post 11

A look at Ms. Cassidy first grade class is a look into what education will, and should, look like. Probably the most remarkable part of this story is how Ms. Cassidy used the limited resources she began with to start her off on a journey into a revolutionary style of teaching. The ways she uses the technological resources to benefit her children’s education is just as remarkable as how she arrived at her current methodology; in a time where there is a mass disconnect between teachers and the parents of students, Ms. Cassidy has created an online portfolio that eliminates many of the issues facing parent teacher relations in the 21st century. This online writing also facilitates feedback on the children’s work that, if done properly, will help development of written and communicative skills. For me, as an avid proponent for the benefit of videogames, the use of the DS is a creative way to capture children’s attention; promoting problem solving, as well as continuing an evolving understanding of language semantics, through a medium that easily captivates children’s attention is perhaps one of the best uses of technology I have seen thus far. This is undoubtedly one of the most influential approaches that we can learn from as future educators; using your students likes and interest as a tool for education can do nothing but aide the state of modern education. Keeping an open mind seems to be the most important tenet of the teachers we have seen do such innovative things in their classroom; only through a desire to embrace new, and often difficult, approaches will keep education on the cutting edge of innovation.


  1. Hey Barry,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog post on Ms. Cassidy's class. I agree with you that Ms. Cassidy has a remarkable story because she started off with limited resources in her classroom. I think that she is a prime example on how teachers need to be. You can tell through her class blog that she cares a lot about her students. I love how she uses many resources for her students to learn, such as, blogs, videogames, Skype, etc. As future educators, technology is always changing and improving and it is important to stay on top of the new trends of technology. Good post!


  2. Barry,

    "In a time where there is a mass disconnect between teachers and the parents of students, Ms. Cassidy has created an online portfolio that eliminates many of the issues facing parent teacher relations in the 21st century."

    Wow, I honestly never thought of it this way, but you are so right! There is such a big gap between student and teachers, but through technology, Mrs. Cassidy has found a way to connect.

    Do you plan on using any of the ideas in this video in your own future classroom?

    - Allie
